Emmaus High School Class of 70
Emmaus High School Class of 70

Photo Gallery and Memorial Video

Class of '70 Turns 70 picnic – June 11, 2022

Without question the high point of our 50+ year reunion weekend was the picnic held at Emmaus Community Park on Saturday, June 11 but several other events were also planned that weekend to give classmates a chance to mingle and renew friendships.  On Friday afternoon (June 10)  classmates joined members of the reunion planning committee for a ceremony at the Emmaus Remembrance Garden to recognize those classmates who passed before us and lay a third brick paver in honor of our Class of '70 Turns 70 reunion (see next section).  Later that evening over 35 classmates and guests met at the Superior Restaurant in Emmaus for cocktails and appetizers.  The next morning about a dozen classmates met at the Superior to enjoy breakfast together and a couple hours later over 20 classmates and guests enjoyed a tour of the Emmaus High School.

But it was the picnic where the Class of 70’s magic revealed itself again.  Over 200 classmates and guests attended -- a new all-time record – and even though rain showers were predicted for most of the day, nary a drop came down!  Comfortable temperatures prevailed and later that afternoon the clouds parted and sunny skies appeared.  From beginning to end a spirit of friendship and togetherness filled the pavilion and laughter dominated the chatter.  After checking in, attendees grabbed a drink, sampled an array of appetizers served by Fairview Catering and enjoyed a few hours getting reacquainted before being called out onto the lawn in front of the pavilion for an all-classmates group picture.  That provided yet another opportunity for mixing and socializing.  Classmates were also drawn to the basket raffle area that spanned the entire length of the pavilion stage.  There each classmate (or their spouse!) distributed the 50 free raffle tickets they received when checking in for a chance to win one of the 50 prizes provided by or solicited by members of the planning committee.  

"Well, you and your crew sure know how to throw the perfect party! It was wonderful- loved seeing so many from our class; 1970 lives on as the BEST CLASS EVER!"

Debbie Lehman Wessner

"We just want to tell you what a GREAT class reunion that was. You and the committee did a fantastic job! I said to Butch I think this was the best class reunion ever! Thank you all so much for what you do. Job well done! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Judy Zacharda

Following the group picture, everyone was called back into the pavilion where class president Rick Sell asked the entire reunion planning committee to join him on the stage and be recognized for their outstanding work, generosity and perseverance in creating the most memorable reunion possible.  Immediately following that, military veterans from our class were individually acknowledged by Rick as he read a brief bio of their service and asked those vets in attendance to join him on the stage when it was their turn.  Other military veterans and first responders in the audience were also asked to join our veterans in front of the stage where they all received a standing ovation from the audience to honor their service.  

After all the formalities were completed the buffet dinner was served by the folks from Fairview Catering and what a buffet it was!  The four entrees, sides, salads and desserts were absolutely delicious and topped off what was a perfect day of celebration.



"Best reunion yet, please tell the committee and all the helpers thank you from Connie and me. Thanks again for all your hard work." 

Glenn Hertzog

"I'm getting to be quite the old softy, talking to our friends from simpler times.  I just had a blast and some misty eyes; maybe it was the pollen.  Thank you and the committee for planning the reunions; 3 planned before you got to do one.  And it was great!  SO many classes have nothing like this at all."

Dave and Lynn Williams

"I am so thankful for the reunion and for seeing everyone for the 1st time in over 50 years. What a wonderful experience!"

Mark Iobst

"Those of us who were lucky enough to attend the reunion truly had an amazing experience!  Thank you to you and the reunion committee for all of your hard work to give us a fabulous reunion!"

Joan Gulla Dodds

"This was the second reunion I attended. It was a real blast seeing everyone again. Thanks to all on the reunion committee. "

Jim Druckenmiller

"We wanted to thank you for organizing such an incredible 50th Class Reunion!  We had a great time!  While I am not a member of the class of 1970, like Greg, I felt as if I was on Saturday.  Everyone was so warm and friendly." 

Pat Guditus

"You and the committee really knocked it out of the park with this reunion! The enormous amount of preparation work that you guys put in made it such a wonderful and fun event. Please give a big thank you to everyone involved."

Bruce Bertsch

"Thanks for the great job you and the reunion committee did putting together a wonderful 50th reunion. You got a great turnout and pulled together a fun and very enjoyable event. For me it was a great opportunity to connect with many people I hadn’t seen in a long time in a casual setting.  Thanks so much." 

Dave Feist

"Thanks so much for all your hard work in putting together the reunion. It was terrific, and I enjoyed it greatly. Please extend my thanks to the members of the Reunion Committee. You and the Reunion Committee have done a remarkable job for more than half a century to keep our class connected; it's beyond fantastic. "

Larry Dries

Saturday Morning Breakfast - June 11, 2022

The day of the Class of '70 Turns 70 reunion picnic kicked off at 9:00 AM when a group of classmates enjoyed breakfast together at the Superior Restaurant in Emmaus.

Seated at this table on left, moving clockwise:  Lynn Shoemaker, Darlene Brosky (wife of classmate Jeff Brosky), Jeff Brosky, Carl Johnson, Jim Druckenmiller, Darlene Heyer Druckenmiller and Bonnie George Lesher.

That's Bob Ashcraft standing behind Dennis Shoemaker, husband of classmate Becky Davis Shoemaker.  Seated to Dennis's left is Barry Balliet,  his wife Diane and Lynn Shoemaker.

Seated at this table on left is Nancy Rinker Oels with husband Dennis.  On the right is Dan Hunsicker and Eileen Keefer Gerhard.

Becky Davis Shoemaker carries on a conversation with Bob Ashcraft.  Becky's husband Dennis is seated in foreground.

Emmaus Remembrance Garden Ceremony to Honor Deceased Classmates – June 10, 2022

The reunion weekend activities kicked off on Friday afternoon when about 30 classmates met at the Emmaus Remembrance Garden to witness the installation of our class’s third brick paver in the Emmaus High School walkway and take part in a ceremony honoring our deceased classmates.  Mike Waddell, Executive Director of the Emmaus Commemorative Gardens Foundation, gave a brief talk about the gardens before leading us through the process of installing our new paver.  The first two Class of 1970 bricks were laid in 2021 in honor of our departed classmates and our then postponed 50th year reunion (see “June 1, 2021” photo gallery in the next section).  The brick installed on Friday, June 10 commemorated our “Class of ’70 Turns 70” reunion that was held the next day.  After installing the brick the group then wandered over to another section of the garden where we assembled in a circle in preparation for a ceremony honoring each of our departed classmates (reunion planning committee member Holly Hinkle Graff-Culhane is credited with conceiving the idea and organizing the ceremony).  Prior to the ceremony one or more cards containing the names of each departed classmate were handed out to those in the circle with many of the cards distributed to attendees who had a special connection to the deceased classmate.  After all the cards were distributed, the ceremony commenced with each person in the circle sequentially calling out the name of the classmate on their card.  After each name was read, a chime was rung followed by a brief moment of silence to remember that classmate.  Thank you all who participated in this touching ceremony!

Emmaus Remembrance Garden Bricks – June 1, 2021

Among the many disappointments the Covid-19 pandemic inflicted upon us, the postponement of our 50th Year Class Reunion celebration certainly deserves to make the list.  As part of that weekend celebration the reunion committee had planned a Friday evening ceremony at the Emmaus Remembrance Garden at which time two bricks were to have been laid in honor of our high school class and those classmates who have passed on.  The laying of commemorative bricks at the garden is quickly becoming a tradition for EHS graduate classes and, after postponing the reunion not once but twice, the reunion committee decided we better get our bricks laid before we lose our spot in the section of the walkway devoted to Emmaus High School.  Bob Boehmer’s wife, Linda, who is on the board of the Emmaus Commemorative Gardens Foundation, helped to procure the bricks and arrange for a brief brick-laying ceremony held at the Remembrance Garden on June 1, 2021.  So that everyone in our class has the opportunity to take part in honoring our class and departed classmates, the reunion committee is planning to hold a second ceremony at the Remembrance Garden over the weekend of our reunion now scheduled for June 11, 2022.  At this ceremony we will place a third brick in the walkway to commemorate our 50th reunion and take time to remember and honor those classmates who have passed away.

Drive-up Graduation Celebration – July 25, 2020

In the spring of 2020 the EHS administration was forced to cancel the regular graduation ceremony for seniors due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Instead, Emmaus High School hosted a drive-up graduation celebration later in July at the high school and members of our class reunion committee were there to cheer the graduates on and offer congratulations.  The idea to honor the graduating seniors instead of them honoring our 50-year class was the brainchild of committee member Pat Weldon.  She not only came up with this selfless idea but led the effort to organize it, got T-shirts printed up for the participating committee members and had a large “Seniors honoring Seniors” banner produced.  Supporting Pat was Carl Smartschan who coordinated the effort between the committee and the EHS administration and Kathy Gaal Getchell who created handheld signs and decorations for the day.  In the end, it turned out to be an incredibly fun day for the committee members, students and parents alike.  We received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback for the effort and even wound up being covered by WFMZ-TV 69 News and the East Penn Press.  Enjoy viewing pictures from the day below and don’t miss Pat’s TV interview and the mentions we received in the East Penn Press by clicking on the links below the picture gallery.

Note:  Best way to start viewing the gallery is to click anywhere on the first picture; to advance, simply click anywhere on current picture.

Click here to view WFMZ-TV 69 News' coverage of the graduation ceremony and footage of Pat Weldon's interview.  The committee's effort also received some nice mentions in the East Penn Press.  Click here to view those excerpts.

      Medicare Picnic Photos - June 10, 2017

On June 10, 2017 the EHS Class of 1970 held a picnic at Macungie Memorial Park to celebrate the beginning of our Medicare years.  To say it was a huge success is an understatement as anyone who attended will confirm.  It was the best time ever and that's because we have the best class ever!  Enjoy reliving the day through these photos or, if you didn't make it, see why you'll want to share in the fun at our next event -- the 50th Year Reunion now scheduled for June 2021! 

Note:  Best way to start viewing the gallery is to click anywhere on the first picture; to advance, simply click anywhere on current picture.

    45th Year Reunion Photos - June 27, 2015

Our class held its Forty-Fifth reunion on June 27, 2015 at The Masters of Shepherd Hills, Wescosville, PA.  Attendance exceeded expectations and was truly one of the best reunions we ever had!  A big thanks goes out to all those classmates who shared their pictures with us.  Enjoy viewing them below.

Note:  Best way to start viewing the gallery is to click anywhere on the first picture; to advance, simply click anywhere on current picture.

      45th Year Reunion Retrospective Video

This video was produced by Rick Sell for the Emmaus High School Class of 1970's 45th Year Reunion and contains graduation pictures of all class members, miscellaneous pictures from our 1970 yearbook as well as clips from the Senior Class Movie.

       Deceased Classmates Memorial Video

You may be out of sight
we may be worlds apart ..
but you are always on our minds
and forever, in our hearts.